- Serino G.; Russo M.;"Development and application of Hybrid (Semi-active) Oleodynamic Dampers for Seismic Response Control" Proc. Of International POST-SMiRT conference seminar on seismic isolation, passive energy dissipation and active control of seismic vibrations of structures Taormina, (I), 1997
- Russo M.;" A Review of Recent Research on Shape Memory Alloys as Smart Material for Seismic Protection " Revue Française de Génie Civil (F) Vol. 2-N°4; July 1998
- Amberg W., Russo M.; "Seismic Design of Underground Structures – The Bolu Tunnel" Proceedings of the AITES-ITA 2001 World Tunnel Congress, Milano, (I), June 2001 Vol. 1 pp. 137-147
- Amberg W., Russo M.; "Antiseismic Design of deep tunnels – The philosopy" Proceedings of the 20th European Regional Earthquake Engineering Seminar Sion (CH) Sept. 2001
- Russo M.,Amberg W.; "Progetto e Protezione di gallerie profonde in zone sismiche, recenti sviluppi", 10° Convegno ANIDIS "L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia" - Potenza (I) Sept. 2001
- Russo M., Germani G., Amberg W.; "Design and Construction of Large Tunnel through Active Faults: A recent Application" International Conference on "Tunnelling and Underground Space Use" Istanbul (TR) Oct. 2002
- M. Russo, A. Mordasini, J. Doucet;"Sistema di controllo strutturale e monitoraggio in opera nel Traforo del Monte Bianco" XXII Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica "Valutazione delle condizioni di sicurezza e adeguamento delle opere esistenti", Palermo (I) 22-24.09.2004
- M. Russo;"Paratie: normative, dimensionamento ed esempi pratici", Cours de perfectionnement professionnel "Opere di sostegno per scavi", SUPSI Lugano (CH), 23.03.2005
- Arth L., Roucou-David V., Boyer N., Lecointre J., Russo, M.; "L'amélioration de la sécurité du complexe A14-a86 à Paris – le marché de conception-construction" Congrès AFTES Lyon 2011.
- Cuccaroni A., Veyron P.L., Lacroix A., Russo M.;"Deuxieme phase de realisation de la lgv est: le lot 47 et le tunnel de Saverne" Congrès AFTES Lyon 2011.
- Russo M., Collomb D., Lacroix A., Patret P.; "Eastern France high speed link - tunnelling the Alsatian fault and Volsgian sandstone" WTC 2012, Bangkok, 2012
- Russo, M.: "Il nuovo tracciato del Tunnel di Base LTF e le ripercussioni sulla scelta delle TBM", Convegno SIG I Nuovi Importanti Trafori Alpini, - Torino, 28.03.2012
- A. Cuccaroni, P-L. Veyron, A. Lacroix, M. Russo: "Second phase of the Eastern European High speed railway line: Stretch 47 and the Saverne Tunnel", WTC 2013, Genève 2013
- M.Pré, J.-F.Thibault, A.P.F.Bourget, M.Russo, G.Hamaide, M.Roignot, R.Munier: "Presentation of the activity of the AFTES’ Working Group 25, “Cost control and contractual practice” WTC 2013, Geneva (CH) 2013
- M.Russo: "An analysis of FIDIC red book contractual framework applied to underground works." WTC 2014, Iguaçu (BR) 2014
- X. Duclairoir, M.Russo, B. Amara, A. De Goyon, S. Poulain; “Le tracé de la Ligne 16-17 du Grand Paris à l'issue des études préliminaires optimisées” Congrès AFTES 2014, Lyon (F)
- M. Russo; “Contrats de travaux souterrains. Le partage des risques dans l'environnement FIDIC”, Congrès AFTES 2014 Lyon (F)
- M. Russo, S. Bonaccorsi: “Estimated settlements on buildings and facilities. An application to Grand Paris metro”, WTC 2019 Naples (Italie)
- M. Russo, L. Rew & M. Sénéchal “Risk management in metro contract procurement procedures. The French example” WTC 2019 Naples (Italie)